I suppose most people think of Mallorca as the place where all the party goers travel to Shagaluf. I dare say not many venture out to the hills. This was my third trip there and my first trip walking, that's day walks not falling on my face. Overall it was a great week, and although the weather was mixed it was perfect for walking - Goldilocks weather in fact.
I stayed in the mountain village of Deia, a beautiful village where Robert Graves is buried in the local church. The village has some fabulous restaurants, although the present exchange rate against the euro made for some eye watering bills. But we could eat cheap enough when we wanted to. There was also a small Picasso exhibition in Soller town, free for entry and some great ceramics in there, never realised he was so prolific - well worth a visit.
Back to blighty now and after a two week stint in Denmark, it's back home and up to Scotland again to look at some more pre-history at Kilmartin Glen. Maybe not much walking soon as I appear to have gone lame, and my knee is giving me gyp - Im hoping it's not too serious!