It's been a while hasn't it. Since The Dales Way I haven't had any walks out apart from around the golf course. I've slipped on the diet as well, but I've not put on too much weight. As a consequence of all this my golf improved slightly but not enough to trouble the leaders. But there is hope as provided by Tom Watson at the Open - 59yrs old and still knocking it around competively. I've caught up on the backlog of my blog entries, so now the next stop is the wedding in August - again not enough walking, but I will have the Nantlle Ridge next month to look forward to. I nipped down to Powis Castle and Montgomery last week and was rewarded with a spectacular thunder storm and thankfully we were inside at the time.
It's surprising how soon you can lose leg fitness, and the walk up Helvellyn this week left me knackered and feeling a bit man fluey. But we had a great walk - the weather forecast was rubbish and we expected to get a soaking - but we didn't. Just goes to show if you take too much notice of the weather forecast you'd never go anywhere.