An eventful month since I last posted, and as with previous years some settled weather which was great for walking - sunshine and warm temperatures, with not much wind to speak of - mainly due to my diet by the way. I am still persevering with my slimming world diet, which gets interupted every time I go back to the rigs - I get bored and so eat a lot more biscuits etc. But my stomach must be getting used to smaller portions and I haven't rebounded up the scales yet. I put a lot of weight loss down to drinking less booze and eating less chocolate.
I had a brief journey down to Dartmoor to see my dear old aunt interred up on Sheepstor, which is a wonderful spot to finally rest. There are also a lot of stone age circles, barrows and stone avenues to look at, including the Giants Stone - a strange sight in the middle of nowhere, but still impresses now. Lucky me also had a lovely walk up to the top of England on Scafell Pike in hazy sunshine - fandabbydozy as someone once said.
....and for silence on the hills...I need a little wind to blow or some water to babble along. I suffer from Tinitus and sometimes it drives me nuts. On a very quiet day on the hills, when there isn't a breath of wind I stop and stare and then the whistling starts to intrude - a legacy of 30plus years working in a noisy environment. Alas nothing can be done, so it's grin and ignore it for the rest of my days - and if I say pardon, you know why! St Cuthbert's Way starting on the 27th April - please stay dry, please stay dry....